
Welcome to the SEALTeam Family!

On this page, parents/guardians will find resources for students enrolled in the Team Nitro MMA SEALTEAM after-school program at Impact Christian Academy. For any questions or concerns, please email 

The Team Nitro MMA SEALTeam program is uniquely designed to provide enhanced after-school services focused on the social, emotional, academic, and leadership development of our youth and infusing mixed martial arts and mentorship.

Program Details: 

At this time, the SEALTeam after-school program is exclusively offered to Impact Christian Academy students, K-12th grade, only. 

Schedule: Monday – Friday 3:15 – 6:00 PM (aligned with ICA calendar for school closures, including holidays, noon dismissals, etc.) Late pick-up fees apply as outlined below.

Eligibility: All ICA students, K-12th grade, are eligible to attend, space permitted.

Parent Fee: $30 per student per month (paid by invoice sent each month – autopay optional) Registration & 1 team shirt included at no additional cost. Late pickup fees apply as outlined below. Purchase Additional T-Shirts

Commitment: To continue to offer low-cost options with high-quality service, consistent attendance and engagement is imperative. To maintain enrollment, students are expected to attend at least 90 minutes, each day, for a minimum of 80% of program days (for example, if open 19 days in a month – student must attend at least 15 days).  Excessive absences will put enrollment at-risk.

After-School Program Expectations

  1. All students must have a completed Parent Agreement Form and After-School Enrollment Form, with all required fields.
  2. All monthly membership fees are due by the 1st of each month. Students will not be able to attend if payment is not remitted by the 3rd of each month. Nonpayment of monthly fees will result in disenrollment, unless otherwise agreed upon, in writing.
  3. Late Pick Up: Students should be picked up by 6:00 pm. If running late, parent/guardian must contact us to advise. No contact may lead to DCF reporting. Late pick-up fees apply on the following schedule: $20 for the first 10 minutes, $1 per minute thereafter. After 3 late pick-ups, students will be disenrolled from program. 
  4. Regular attendance is imperative in keeping the program funded. We ask that students are present for the listed program hours during all working days. (minimum of 90 minutes in attendance, to be funded, for 80% of program’s open days each month)
  5. All students must be signed IN and OUT by parent/guardian or other authorized persons daily.
  6. Attire: Students are required to wear comfortable clothing suitable for physical activity, including closed-toed shoes, to participate in MMA activities. Team Nitro MMA shirts will be provided, and we ask that students have the shirts available for MMA classes. Students are allowed to wear any shirt, new or old, with the Team Nitro MMA logo.
  7. Shorts/pants should have a drawstring and use of under garments such as sports bra, tank top, etc. highly recommended
  8. We do not tolerate violence, bullying, or criminal activity of any kind. Please review the attached Code of Conduct with each enrolled student.
  9. Parents/Guardians agree to notify a member of our staff of any changes with student, included but not limited to enrollment.